Sunday night was the first jam session in over a week between myself, Justin and James. We all took our typical instruments, Justin and I played guitar with James on drums. Overall I think we sounded pretty good. It was a healthy mix of just straight improvisation and practicing of songs we are working on. Next time we jam I plan on bringing my condenser mic and recording software so I can record the session and hopefully pull some good parts from it for you all to hear. The song I mentioned briefly in my podcast is starting to shape up a bit, and Justin and I have pretty much nailed the intro. We duel with each other in clean mode before eventually switching to distortion as the melody builds in heaviness. It's a pretty simple E-D-C-B chord progression that has been heard before; we're trying to do different things with it so as not to sound watered-down or cliched.
Before that, Mike and I did a little jam with Mike on piano and myself on guitar. It was more like Mike playing his latest original piece while I tried to find a way to solo over it. By ear, I was able to decipher an F-sharp minor scale, so I ripped up and down that scale while he played on. It will work better with guitar if I can find a nice chord scheme to go with it, then I can worry about the solo. Mike has uploaded a few good videos of himself playing piano on Youtube, one of which is right here:
He's only been playing piano for a little over a year and a half, so he's accelerated his skill level pretty well I'd say. That's a variation of the piece he played for me Saturday night, and he really wants me to find a guitar part to go with it. It's harder than he thinks to mix piano with guitar, not many popular music groups have been able to do it, let alone do it well. Queen and Lynyrd Skynyrd are two groups that quickly come to mind.
That's all for now. Hopefully within the next couple days I'll have something to give you on guitar to go with Mike's piano licks. Also, look for this week's guitar spotlight to shine on the late great Stevie Ray Vaughan, the last true blues master.